Coincidentally I wrote a script to do likewise today, but it was alot shorter than that.
Actually it was part of an extension to my own remote control which I usually use through QuickTime. I have scripts which record radio streams and then I use Salling Clicker to play them back in date order (a sort of home brew podcasting system for times when there is no podcast option). I have the numbers 3,6 and 9 on my phone set to skip 150 seconds, 30 seconds and 10 seconds respectively. 1 is set to skip back by 10 seconds. It makes it simple to skip past songs I don't want to listen to in a few taps. Since I've recently (since 4.9) started subscribing to podcasts I wanted the same facility when playing through iTunes. So I am now in the process of combining the scripts so that they can tell which application I am currently listening through and perform the skips in the correct app.
They're not quite ready yet I was hoping to finish them up this week. Perhaps I'll post a link in this thread when I'm done.
Mac App Audio Player Jump Back Seconds Game
So, I said ... well, I can't actually remember exactly what I said. But it was one of the most enormously cruel and frighteningly witty put downs ever.
Mac App Audio Player Jump Back Seconds Video
May 19, 2020 View Milliseconds in VLC Media Player Using the Time Extension. Show Milliseconds in Video or Audio Timing in VLC Media Player Using the Time Extension. Milliseconds might be required to get a specify or specified part of an audio or video file. It is also used while creating subtitles or editing a video or audio. In the Podcasts app, you can play, pause, or skip ahead. Play a podcast. Tap an episode. For more playback controls, tap the player to open the Now Playing screen. Use any of the following controls: Control. Jump back 15 seconds. Jump forward 30 seconds. Choose a faster or slower playback speed. Stream the audio to. Mar 23, 2020 ← – step back 10 seconds → – step forward 30 seconds ↑ – Jump forward 10 minutes (or to the next chapter, if available) ↓ – Jump back 10 minutes (or to the previous chapter, if available) X – Stops playback; B – Back; H – Stop playback and exit to the home screen; Home – previous track/item in a play queue.